Wednesday, August 6, 2008

getting ready to go back to school (already? about time!)

Technically, we're only halfway through summer, but for those of us programmed to run according to school calendars, summer is nearly over. Providence public schools' first day of school is Tuesday, August 26, less  than three weeks from now.

This isn't going to mean the same thing to all families. Some view the approaching date with dread, knowing that fun family time is going to end. Others view it eagerly, knowing that kids will have a safe and structured place to be during the day, with breakfast and lunch provided. And of course, we'll all have our own reactions as diverse as the different families that send their kids to our city's schools.

I am feeling both eagerness and dread. I feel lucky that my kids are safe and happy this summer, with enough to eat and plenty to do. At the same time, I am excited for them to get back to their school routines--or, in the case of my son who is starting kindergarten, start their school routines! I am wondering how much homework my third grader will have. I am wondering what the newly minted kindergartener will think of school. He thinks he will love it, and so do I. He's eager to read, and I think he believes that he'll show up on the first day of school and his teacher will wave a Magic Reading Wand and presto! he will be able to read. I suspect that won't happen. But what will?

If you want to connect with other families getting ready to send their kids back to school, join in the Providence Public Schools' Back to School Celebrations that are happening on Saturday, August 16 from 10am-1pm. Backpacks with free school supplies will be distributed for students who need them, and schools, afterschool programs, and support organizations will be at the various sites to provide information and help. 

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization (which I will henceforth in this blog refer to as the MLK PTO!) will be at the back to school celebration at Hope High School, 324 Hope Street. Other similar celebrations will take place at the following sites: 
  • Nathanael Greene Middle School, 721 Chalkstone Avenue
  • Perry Middle School, 370 Hartford Avenue
  • Providence School Registration Center, 672 Prairie Avenue
  • St. Teresa's Church, 18 Pope Street (corner of Manton Avenue)
  • West End Community Center, 109 Bucklin Street
And here's a post from Kidoinfo sharing similar news about the back to school celebrations, with additional info about sites outside Providence!

So, how are you and your kids feeling about the first day of school's fast approach?

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